Uppa Baby


UPPAbaby Vista & Cruz Upper Car Seat Adapters (For Maxi-Cosi & Cybex)


Car Seat Adapters (Maxi-Cosi®, Cybex, and BeSafe®) for VISTA (2015 - 2019) / VISTA V2, CRUZ / CRUZ V2

UPPAbaby adapters allow you to fit Maxi Cosi® or other approved infant car seats to the frame of your stroller in Travel System mode.

  • Compatible with Maxi-Cosi® Pebble Pro i-Size, Coral, Coral 360°, Cabrio Fix i-size (formally Tinca), Pebble 360°, Cybex Cloud Z i-Size, BeSafe® iZi Go Modular™ X1 i-Size
  • Colour-coded dot indicators to ensure proper instalment
  • Quick, no-tools attachment
  • Stroller folds with the adapters on

The extended adapters work exactly the same as the regular ones, they are slightly longer, so lift the seat slightly higher. This also has the benefit of better access to the shopping basket than the normal adaptors.

Product Codes: 
Normal - 0254
Extended - 0919-UMA-WW

Here at Bababoom we know that great accessories enhance great products which is why our staff will be happy to show you in store how to get the most out of your product and correctly install it. 

We will endeavour to price match any offers you see elsewhere and bespoke package deals can be created in store.

Please note some items may not be readily available and there may be a 1-4 week wait, on receipt of your order a senior member of our nursery department will call you to confirm the delivery date.

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